Take the Passion, Leave the Negativity

Founders of Atlanta Boom Vollyeball- Del and Arleen Hughes

“TICK-TICK BOOM!” As I entered the gym, all I could recall was the noise of players and coaches enthusiastically cheering on the volleyball court. It caught my attention the way everyone was shouting and cheering after each rally. The excitement in that building was on another level. I mean another level as in you had a 50% chance of losing your voice the next day. I  remember leaving that first practice thinking, “Wow, I’m pretty sure I signed up for volleyball, not cheerleading.”

That passion filled club was known as Atlanta Boom Volleyball. It only took a few practices to get a glimpse of how awesome to have coaches who are so passionate in what they do. The coaches were certainly tough but they were able to push me while being very supportive. Even in those moments when I felt like my legs would fall off during sprints, I was able to draw energy to finish the run because of the people around me. It was then I really realized how impactful one’s energy and a positive environment can be to my success.

No longer did I allow my personal doubts and negative opinions from others dictate what I wanted to do in life. It was certainly a process. But I tell you making a choice to cut the negative energy out of my life has allowed me to accomplish a lot of things. That same positive mindset has not only helped me keep sight of my goals, but it has allowed me to tackle things I was scared to do. While my time playing club volleyball was just a few years, I would like to give a special thanks to Atlanta Boom Volleyball Club for making my volleyball experience a fun one, and for helping me realize how one’s passion and a positive environment can contribute to one’s success.

Twelve years later, and I was given the opportunity to chat with the founders of Atlanta Boom Volleyball Club while eating some yummy breakfast. Check out the video below!

Founder at Atlanta Boom and Taiwo

My challenge for you: Sit down and ask yourself, what is stopping you from going after an interest of yours? I dare you to take that action today, and make a choice to not let your doubts or other opinions deter you from doing what you want to do. Need some guidance or advice, feel free to comment below or shoot me an email.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Encouraging and inspiring thoughts needed for young kids going into sports and adults who want to move forward in their different career paths. Keep up the good work

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